Wednesday, October 5, 2005

I came home with a smiley face!

mood | overjoy

First of all... I have decided to throw out all those unhappy thoughts and went out and everything went fine today! Isn't it good? Why do I have to give myself more burden by being so pessimistic? Unlike yesterday, I felt so much better today! =D

Anyway, THANKS JAMES! If I didn't meet at Bugis to have our dinner, I probably won't get to see my Vampire. LOL! Also, thanks to myself. James didn't want to go home early but I insisted that I wanna go home immediately after dinner. Oh man! I make a super right choice!

I was on my way to the lift and I saw someone wearing a black t-shirt and a little boy following behind. They were walking towards the lift from the other side. In mind, I was wondering if it was him and I'm so right!! It's really him!! He couldn't stop smiling when he saw me (ok I hope I wasn't imagining things.) I didn't smile alot because I'm already too overwhelmed by it! LOL!

He then asked his son to address me but his son became very shy and lean towards his dad. That was very weird of his son. He usually don't behave this way. Anyway, it's ok. I get to talk to his Dad while we are on the lift. Hehe. Ok no more details. I'm just too happy =p When did I ever start to call him Vampire? All my friends' fault. I should be calling him Tongx2! LOL!

Steph: YESYES! I look so Asian right? That's why those people are blind. LOL. Hey so did I miss the epidsode on Savage? Hmmmm..

Motley Crue | Dr Feelgood

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