Monday, June 19, 2006

Italian men most yandao!

Probably, this is the joke of the day...

*░I-[Red Monster™]-*░* Kimchi draw with the french fries! says:
italy produce de most yandaos
*░I-[Red Monster™]-*░* Kimchi draw with the french fries! says:
十赌九输- My tip for the day: Don't bet today. When you lose, don't blame it on others, blame it on your greed. says:
十赌九输- My tip for the day: Don't bet today. When you lose, don't blame it on others, blame it on your greed. says:
where u saw tat from?
*░I-[Red Monster™]-*░* Kimchi draw with the french fries! says:
no where... from my brain
十赌九输- My tip for the day: Don't bet today. When you lose, don't blame it on others, blame it on your greed. says:


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